Saturday, August 29, 2009

TCS Flag Day

I've existed in this world for almost 34 years but I have only sold flag 4 times. This goes to show how much, or rather, how little I have done to help the needy people in my community. I do have the compassion for them but I lack the initiative and passion to help them. Hence, I always pray for my children that they will grow up to be people with compassion and initiative so that they can put their sympathy for others into action.

The opportunity for us to put our prayer into practice arose on TCS flag day this year. TCS stands for Touch Community Services (and not Television Corporation of Singapore). Our whole family (yes, including Reuben) went to Jurong East to sell flags. I thought it would be a good learning point for Phoebe. It will teach her to be compassionate and responsible. Phoebe was made to be in charge of one tin. It was not easy. The weather was hot and humid. But Phoebe managed to gather many donations. I supposed, seeing a little girl holding on to a tin, doing some charity work, is appealing to the public. For a short while, Reuben also helped out. He held on to a tin while I carried him. His cuteness became a selling point. People would put into the tin and smile at him. One Indian lady said,

"I donate because of your son."

Haha. Reuben's charm is irresistible and formidable! :) But he got restless after a while. There were certain time when people just zoomed past her and Phoebe got discouraged. She kept asking me,

"Mommy, why nobody wants (to donate) ?"

I just have to keep encouraging her by saying that it's okay. Some people have already donated. After selling for about 1.5 hours, Phoebe was tired and hungry. It was Reuben's lunch time too. We lingered for another half an hour before calling it a day. We drove to the McDonald's in Science Centre for our lunch. I hope Phoebe will learn something out of this trip.

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