Monday, November 30, 2015

Passport for toys

Having known that we will be going for a short trip with the grands in the December holidays, the 2 of them wanted to bring their toys along and they thoughtfully made passports for them. Haha! It was post exam and they do know how to assume themselves, with jiejie guiding didi in the creation :)

Blessed 10th Birthday

Time really flies sooo fast. My sweet's 10. We had the usual birthday celebration with the grands, and this time round, we went to Pizza Hut for a nice western dinner.

For her school celebration, we decided to make a small scale gathering for her, inviting just a few good friends for a home party. Initially we invited about 7 classmates but in the end, only 4 turned up (plus a brother) coz of the nearing year end exam. With the neighbour kids, it was a good 9 kids.

We got her 20 helium balloons and also played some traditional games. It was a party of many hours, initially 3-7 pm but all the parents pick up at 8 pm instead. Thus, they had maximum play time! 

After the party, I was thoroughly exhausted as I only slept for 2 hours the night before, busy doing the last minute preparation. But it was all worth it coz I get to know her friends better and most importantly, Pb was v thankful and appreciative of my effort. I've wanted to bless her for her birthday but she has blessed me back. 

I pray that there will be more years to come where she'll let me be involved in her party planning and we can continue to be involve in each other's lives! :)