Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mickey Mouse Pancakes

I love to make/decorate the children's food to make it look interesting and enticing. Recently I bought a Mickey Mouse pancake pan. I use it for various food items. I also use it to prepare Mickey Mouse pancake for their recess and home snack. All for my 2 precious babies! :)

Recently I just learnt how to cook Oyako Don with Miso Soup.
It's yummy, tasty & wholesome! :)

Outdoor at Greenwich

We like to take the children out to play at the playground. Most of the time, we go to Pasir Ris park. Recently, we discovered a small playground at Greenwich. It has the swings that the children like. We also took our new giant spade along to dig in the sandbox. After playing in the small playground, we went over to Greenwich for lunch in Kopi@Seletar foodcourt, before proceeding to the deck to do water play. Simple pleasures at no cost, plus, lots of fun for the children :)

Using the Public Phone

I thought one of the essential skills for Pb to learn when she goes to primary school was to learn how to go about using the public phone. This is for emergency use. Hence, on the first week of her school, I took her to the void deck to use the public phone. Once she knew how to use the public phone, she started calling me everyday during recess time for the whole of Term 1. Recently, she has just received her school ez-link card. Now she goes to the library to read and borrow book using her new photocopied ez-link card :)

Trying out with 10 & 20 cents coins. She must have called me 5-6 times during her practice!

She was so excited with her new ezlink card! I photocopied and laminated the card for her to use in her school library because I was afraid that she might lose the original one. :)

Back to Basics - Board Games

The children are getting older and more mature. So I decided to expose them to my childhood games such as Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, Uno, Jenga, Domino etc. They are able to play the games and we try to simplify the rules for them. Snake and Ladder is Reuben's favourite and it is good for him to practise his counting skills. Sometimes, he will bend the rules to advantage himself when he plays with his grandparents :) Such wit he has! But we discourage him, telling him to play fair and follow the rules. On the whole, they are amiable when playing the games. We hope to get them to play board games more often rather than electronic games because they will be able to pick up social skills and values. Most importantly, it's a good time for family bonding :)

Still learning the game of Monopoly... fine-tuning their skills...

Reuben's favourite game, Snakes and Ladders...
Good for counting to 60...

Thomas Domino... Good for matching...

Jenga, learn that a firm foundation is very important...
good for learning balance...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Phoebe's First Day of School

Today is the last day of Term 1. One term of 10 weeks have passed and I have not blog about Phoebe's first day of school. I thought I better blog about it before my memory of her first day of school fades off. I shall try to recall as much information as possible.

Excitedly, Phoebe and I packed her school bag on the night before. I also prepared her snack in a snack bag for recess. Parents were not allowed into the school premise because the school was undergoing upgrading. The principal was afraid that parents might be put in a dangerous spot or get in the way of the workers. Hence, Pri 5 prefects were deployed to be the buddy of the P1 newbies. Phoebe's buddy was a nice girl named Allyssa. At the end of the buddying, (I think was 3 days?) Allyssa made a bookmark for Phoebe. Phoebe reciprocated by making a bookmark for Allyssa too. I also added a small pack of Tolberone chocolate for her buddy to expression my appreciation for taking care of my little girl :) There was no crying or reluctance, just plenty of excitement and anticipation! :) Phoebe is my brave little girl! :)

Phoebe made a card for her buddy, Allyssa :)