Saturday, March 31, 2012

Using the Public Phone

I thought one of the essential skills for Pb to learn when she goes to primary school was to learn how to go about using the public phone. This is for emergency use. Hence, on the first week of her school, I took her to the void deck to use the public phone. Once she knew how to use the public phone, she started calling me everyday during recess time for the whole of Term 1. Recently, she has just received her school ez-link card. Now she goes to the library to read and borrow book using her new photocopied ez-link card :)

Trying out with 10 & 20 cents coins. She must have called me 5-6 times during her practice!

She was so excited with her new ezlink card! I photocopied and laminated the card for her to use in her school library because I was afraid that she might lose the original one. :)

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