Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Entry for 2011

Oh dear, I just realised that I've not blog for almost a month! My first blog of the year 2011 will be an entry of apology to my loyal readers. Sorry for "starving"you guys out there for the past one month. With no blogging, it doesn't mean that nothing is going in my or my children's life. In fact, I've much to blog about, but with no time or rather, discipline.

With me getting an iPhone, I am dealing with Facebook and 'Whatsapp' more these days. It's indeed a very convenient gadget but I often wonder if, 30 years down the line, when I'm in my 60s, will I get radiation-related medical problems on my fingers or hands, due to the excessive contact with electronic devices such as handphones and laptops. Our parents will not experience such problems now because they do not have these gadgets when they were young. Maybe in the near future, we may have new medical conditions called e-rheumatism? The e-elbow condition? The stiff e-neck? The e-rthritis (instead of arthritis)? e-myopia? I don't know. As it is not, I'm already experiencing a pain on my right elbow, which has been in existence since 3-4 months ago. Could it be due to the use of PC and the clicking of mouse? I've went to the Chinese Physician once, but the pain is still there so I gave up. Anyway, it's getting better and hopefully, maybe with the invention of the iPad, there could be a follow-up invention of iPC where the mouse will be obsolete for ever. We just need to type on the good old keyboard and use our fingers to touch on the screen, a bit like the AXS machine! :)

Anyway, it's time for school soon. And I'll be taking Reuben and Nia to grandma's house before taking him to "Sha-La-La" later. Phoebe is already in school at this hour and she's in K2 now! How time flies! Will blog more soon, I promise, my loyal readers!

Ciao for now!! :)