Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thomas and Friends Ardent Fan

Reuben loves Thomas and Friends. We bought every possible Thomas thing that we can find - T-shirt, underwear, singlet, bag, water bottle, socks etc. The only thing he doesn't have is Thomas shoes and he hasn't been to the theme park, Thomas Land. He loves Thomas so much that every night, he needs to hold his Thomas train in his hand before he could fall asleep. In fact, he needs his Thomas train AND Elmo blankie to fall asleep. He takes Thomas train wherever he goes. He wants to buy Spencer and James and Skarloey and Edward and Gordon and ... (no end to that!) We have a side table for him specially to put his favourite set of Thomas. He loves that corner and will go there to meddle with his engines :)

Can you imagine when we accidentally lost his Thomas when we were in Genting on the last night? He cried for his Thomas. We combed through all the toy shops in First World Shopping Mall, not a single Thomas in sight! Before he slept, he asked for his train. He said, "I want my Thomas, it's my favourite!" We felt so bad that immediately once we reached Singapore, we went to Metro to buy him another set of Thomas train. He was ecstatic and volunteered to carry the plastic bag by himself even though he was too short for the bag :)

Reuben is so crazy about Thomas that he has learnt to spell Thomas, way before he can spell his own name. In fact, he started spelling SODOR first (The island of Sodor). I should have named him Thomas instead of Reuben. Haha :) It'll be so much easier for him to spell Thomas Ong! He's an ardent Thomas fan! :)

Bukit Indah With Gramps

We have been to Bukit Indah for many times but not my parents. They had wanted to visit that place. so one fine day in March, we decided to take them there. All 7 of us took off at about 9.30 a.m. in the morning. We were there to walk around and buy groceries. As it was "No Plastic Bag" day, we had to use the available cartons to pack our groceries. While we were all busy packing our groceries, Reuben saw the nearby indoor playground and ran off to play without our knowledge. One minute he was beside us, the other minute he was gone! We panicked and shouted for him with our eyes darting around. My mum found him at the playground and carried him back immediately. He was still smiling, not knowing what he had done wrong. I gave him a stern scolding and he broke into tears. The whole saga lasted about five minutes but it was very scary for us. Imagine if he was lost or kidnapped! The next time we go to Malaysia or any other places, we make sure we will check on him all the time. Thank God that nothing bad had happened and that Reuben was taught a lesson gently! Thank God for His mercy! :p

Eating bread and watching DVD at the backside of the car.

Reuben loves train and police cars! :)
Phoebe loved to watch TV so much that we said she looked like a 'Domo' ! Haha.

I love these 2 pictures! Such happy faces! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Miss Blogging

I realised that I miss blogging so much! When I read back the previous blog entries, it brings on lots of laughter! It warms my heart and the best part is, now the children can read with me, especially Phoebe! When I didn't blog, I realised that one part of the children's lives are not recorded. I realised that their lives have not been documented for almost half a year since I got my iPhone this year!! So sad! I've decided to start blogging again! Yes, my ardent readers, I'll be in action again soon! Please be patient with me!! :)