Sunday, February 21, 2016

CNY 2016 Random Shots

Too many shots taken on pre-CNY and actual CNY period in 2016. Here are some of the shots  :)

Little boy visit grands place before CNY year. He wanted to show grandma what he had made in school.

Thank God for the dedicated PVs for organising these activities :)

Proudly displaying his craftwork in grands' sofa :)

After CNY celebration in school, i fed them with a good meal before sending them for their Chinese class :)

Their fav ramen! In ajisen bishan junction 8.

Met up with our first cell leader from Fcbc, Kirby. He's a wonderful counsellor and a v knowledgeable leader! He ventured to China to work and came back with his wife for a CNY visit :)

Reunion dinner :) I love everyone being together!
Mommy single-handedly cooked all these goodies! Yummy!!

Good night sleep on Chinese new year Eve with PJ bought from Target Melbourne and random shop in Melbourne :)

Day 1 family photo before going out for visitation :)

Little girl wearing one of Perperlu's collections

CNY day 1, first stop, go to parents house for greeting! :)

The two's fav grandparents :)

Yearly affair, take pics with grands' potted plants 

Goofing with fav yiyi :) the crazy trio!

So naughty but yiyi loves to goof with them! :)

With mama dearest! At the garden located at grands' ground floor :)

Wefie time with yiyi :)

Thank you aunty cons for these lovely clothes :)

Day 2, a groupie before going out to bai nian :)

Day 2 dress, bought in Melbourne gap, like a little jap student.

Day 2's visitation start with Jesus going ahead of us!

Visiting the 80+ year old ah zoh, ck's maternal grandma.

Aunty ann and uncle cm's place is always so much fun!! :)

Star Wars craze just gets more exciting with XBox game! :)

All so serious and focused!

Matching colours! My beloved family!

Children with their beloved papa, their hero :)

Steamboat dinner in Aunty Linda's place :)

Oh!!! The little boys enjoying each others' company :)

The older kids chillaxing! :)

Cell group Lohei, so fast, CNY ending soon!!

Using fried fish skin and ba kua instead of raw fish! How creative is that! :) I shall try it next year!

That's all! These are my fav places which I have visited! :) Blessed lunar new year to all!

CNY Evangelistic Concert 2016

It has always been my prayer for more than 20 years for my parents to know and accept God. We also have a family friend whom we want to reach out to. The opportunity arose when there was a Chinese New Year evangelistic concert and surprisingly, my parents who are staunch Buddhists agreed to go. Though they did not express interest in knowing Jesus, I pray that God will sow the seeds in their hearts and bring them one step closer to Him, He will bless them and communicate to them at their level. He will open up their spiritual eyes and melt their harden hearts. He will show them the truth and the truth will set them free!! In His time... He makes all things beautiful! Amen!  

Friday, February 5, 2016

Youngest Ang Pao Giver? :)

Rb had to make a CNY card during Chinese Speech and Drama lessons and he decided to make it for his sister. His teacher gave them a gold coin chocolate to be put into the Ang pao. Thinking that it's too insignificant, he took his $2 from his wallet to put it into the Ang pao. Hahaha. That will be the first Ang pao Rb gave to Pb though a child doesn't not require to do so 😄 Pb was pleasantly surprised and I was simply amused! 😄😄