Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rb Can Ride A Bicycle

Last year, papa tried to teach little boy to ride a bicycle but it was unsuccessful. As Pb was preparing for her SA1 a few weeks ago, I nudged papa to try to teach Rb how to ride a bicycle again. Papa did and this time round, Rb learnt it very quickly. Now, he's a happy cyclist :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Happy Harvester

Pb called me on the hp today before I picked her up and told me excitedly,

"Mommy! You know what, something exciting happened today!!! We planted our own hydroponic spinach in school some time back and today we get to harvest our hydroponic spinach! And we all get to bring a bundle home! Can we cook the spinach tonight?"

When I picked her up, she proudly showed me her bundle and described to me how they planted their hydroponic spinach and what they put to prevent the pests from feasting on the leafy veg. The sparkle in her eyes is truly priceless! Her school is a v exciting place! 😄 God is good!! 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

NAFA Grade1 Theory Exam

Time really flies!! After learning for 5 months, rb will be assessed for his learning in Grade 1 Theory exam! We were early, so we sat at Burger King to grab a small bite and to do some last min revision :)

Getting ready for his paper :) Hmmf! What a face! 

This looks much better!! All the best Rb! God bless you with Wisdom and favour! :)

One more last look and the last second of lingering before parents take their leave. 

Finally, exams over!! Yippee!! Playing hp with friends! :) All results we commit to God! :)

After SA1

After her last paper, pb went with her yiyi to buy a whole lot of Shopkins. She has been waiting to buy it since a few weeks ago. She has been telling me that she wanted to go shopping with grandma to walk walk. She said she wanted to buy a toy for herself with her own money. Since her grandparents were holidaying in Penang and yiyi just came back from her holiday in Korea, pb went shopping with yiyi. And she bought a whole lot of Shopkins! Phew! Well, at least I'm v glad that pb shared her game with her lil brother and they practised some inventory skills with stock taking :)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Studying Mom

Such is the hardwork of a studying mom! I've set English questions, Math questions and now, even music theory questions! All for the preparation of Rb's music theory exam! Here are just some samples of it!


It's that time of the year! Pb was mugging up for her SA1, Rb was preparing for his Music theory exam and see what the little furry girl was doing? Who said a dog's life is bad? :)

Playing board games to de stress while taking a break :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My Little Girl of Wisdom

I love to pick my children from school because I have so much that I can chat with them! It's a good time of bonding for us. Many a times, we parents think that we can teach our children all knowledge of the universe and impart them with all the positive values that we can fathon. However, God choose to give me a daughter to show me that I have a lot to learn from the little children, as much as I can educate them. Pb is my little girl of wisdom. I really have a lot to learn from her.

1) Lesson 1 : Respect Teachers

Me : Did your teacher... Why your teacher... blah blah blah...
Pb : Mommy... I don't like you to talk bad about my teachers... 
Me : (ashamed)

2) Lesson 2 : God's in Charge

Me : ...blah blah blah... (ranting about something)
Pb : Mommy... God let everything happen for a reason...
Me : (dumbfounded)

Conclusion: God is so good!  I can really safely trust my children in His hands. He loves them and He will groom them into children of high EQ, IQ and SQ (spiritual quotient).