Sunday, March 27, 2011

Inspired by Reuben Morgan

I named my son Reuben because I was greatly inspired by the gospel song writer cum worship pastor, Reuben Morgan. I pray that my son, Reuben Ong, will worship God all the days of his life and that God will bless Reuben with a talent that will be used to bring forth His Love to all mankind. Amen!

I just want to bless all my readers with this worship song written by Reuben Morgan. God Bless you!

Passport Renewal

Phoebe's passport is due for renewal. I can still remember that I made passport for her when she was about 15 months because we were taking her to Hong Kong for holiday. She did not have much hair even when she was about 2 years old. It was only until about 2 that her hair started to sprout from her scalp. It was difficult to take a passport photo for her at that age. I put a piece of white nappy on the bed and get Phoebe to lie down on the nappy to take this picture. She was weary of what I was doing, you can see it in her face. Today, I took another passport photo for her. It was so much easier and she was very cooperative. She looks really different now, for one, she has much more hair now! haha :)

Then and now...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Appreciating Our Village - A Great Man

"It takes a village to raise a child..."
I truly believe in this statement. Raising children is not easy, what more, with working mothers and fathers. Nurturing the children is the responsibility of the parents and I thank God that my children have a loving papa who is always cracking his brains on how to enrich the children in their experiential learning. But it takes more than just the father and mother to help in raising the children, what happens to my children when the papa and mommy are at work? The other members of our 'village' take over the role. That's why I am always very appreciative to the people who are involved directly in the raising of my two precious children. In this blog entry, I am going to talk about the children's loving gong-gong.

Gong gong is the firm but loving disciplinarian. Whenever Phoebe has enrichment classes in the evening, gong gong will sacrifice his afternoon walks to make sure that Phoebe takes her nap in the afternoon. Everyday, I will give Phoebe a piece of homework to be done after school and gong gong will make sure that Phoebe completes her work in the afternoon.

He is also a loving grandfather. When Phoebe was a baby, he will not hesitate to feed her porridge, change her soiled diapers or carry her to sleep. Sometimes when Phoebe was cranky and did not want to nap, he would put her on her stroller and take her for a stroll in the nearby park, watching people playing basketball or badminton. Phoebe loved that and sometimes would fall asleep after a while. The two of them would spend their quiet moments together - one old, one young. It was really a very sweet sight.

When Phoebe and Reuben started school in Little Learners, gong gong will be the one walking the children home from their school, in rain or shine. His legs are not very good, with painful knees due to the almost worn off cartilage and he does not drive but he would walk the children to their schools. Sometimes, when I had to be in school early, he would walk all the way to my place to fetch the children to his place. When Phoebe goes to SKMCC, gong gong will make sure that he will be in time to fetch her from her school bus drop-off point. Sometimes, he has to go to the market or the polyclinic for check-up but he always tries his best to come back on time to fetch his dearest grand daughter.

Gong gong also buys "siew mai" for Phoebe when he knows that Phoebe loves eating it. When he knows that Reuben has constipation problem, he will make sure that he stocks up his fridge with peach flavoured vitagen because Reuben only likes peach flavoured vitagen and vitagen helps in digestion. He buys Grip Water from the chinese medical hall for Reuben and makes sure that he takes his grip water to aid in his digestion

I am really thankful for this old man, the loving gong gong and I know that my children love him too. Phoebe will not hesitate to hug his big tummy and Reuben will always call out for his gong gong to watch the 7 pm Taiwanese drama "Ai". Reuben will even lay the cushions properly on the sofa so that his gong-gong will be able to sit comfortable to watch his favourite Taiwanese drama.

Gong gong is really a great parent and grandparent. As a parent, he was very frugal. He is very stingy to himself but he provides abundantly for his family. When we were young, my dad used to walk to work (to and fro), so that he could save the little bit of bus fare. We were not rich but we had enough. Even till today, he will not hesitate to switch on the air-con for his grandchildren to nap in comfort but he will eat the leftovers from the previous night's dinner just to be thrifty.

In him, I've also witnessed kindness. He treats every human being, lowly or almighty, with respect. Many people would just give their maids bread, instant noodles or leftovers to briefly dismiss their meals. But gong gong is different. He makes sure that my maid will get a freshly-bought packet of economical rice for lunch everyday. He always says that we need to feed the maid properly because she needs to work for us. Without proper food, she will not be able to perform her tasks well. My maid has been with us for almost 3 years and she has not eaten instant noodles in my parents' place for more than 3 times! Gong gong always tell us that it is already very pitiful for the maids to leave their homes and young children to work, we should treat them with respect and care. Through him, I have learnt to treat others with kindness and care. Gong gong is indeed a man of great stature.

He does not need to be a wealthy man or a CEO, but in our sight, he is a great great man ; self-sacrificing, loving and yet, firm. I praise God for giving me and my children such a wonderful (grand)parent and I thank God that He has allowed my children to be raised by gong gong and to grow strongly in their bond. I pray that my children will never forget their grandfather and will always be grateful to their loving gong gong.

I always give them a year end treat to show my appreciation to them. We had Tim Sum in Crystal Jade (Plaza Singapura) in December 2010.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phoebe Rapunzal

In the December school holidays in 2010, we took Phoebe to watch Rapunzal. Prior to that, I tried to find storybooks on Rapunzal. I was hoping to find the original version for her to read but in vain. All the versions were from Disney. I remember that I used to have a Ladybird story book on Rapunzal but of course, after so many years, the book has either been misplaced or given away by my mother. So I briefly told Phoebe the story to the best my memory can recall before letting her catch the movie in the cinema. This will give her a prior knowledge so that I can save some saliva explaining during the show. She loved the movie very much. After the show, she went home to draw a picture of Rapunzal with loooong hair. She said she wants to keep her hair as long as Rapunzal's! We bought her the Rapunzal storybook to read to her. When she went to grandma's place, my mum gave her a few scarves and she tied it on her head and joined the scarves to form a looong trail. She said she was Rapunzal, with the loooong "hair" and she told us to call her Rapunzal instead of Phoebe. Well, we all played along with her. It good to play dress-up! And we all enjoyed it :)