Thursday, March 19, 2015

Home Party for Rb

Again, a long overdue blog coz of the busy work and home schedule. This event happened on 28 Feb where we celebrated Rb's 7th birthday at home. The last birthday party which he celebrated at home was when he was 3 and it was a Toy Story 3 party :) How time flies! :) 

This was taken when Rb was three! So cute! :) Besides a home party, he had a  mini celebration in his toddler play group :)

This year, the theme of his birthday was "Angry Birds' (again!) We were tired of eating cutesy overpriced licensed cakes thus we decided to get a decent yummy cake from Jack's Place. I would just place all his Angry Birds figurines / toys on the cake and "Ta-da"! The cake was transformed!! :) and little boy simply loved it!! :)

Rb also invited his best friend, Megan, from SKMCC Kindness 1 class. He had promised Megan when he was in K2 that he would invite her for his 7th birthday and he hadn't forget about it so I helped him to fulfil his promise by contacting Megan's mommy :)

Overall, it was a simple and cozy party with just a few closed friend. We Thank God for watching over Rb for 7 awesome years and many more years to come! Amen!! 😄😄

Jack's Place Chocolate Truffle Cake which all the guests loved! :)

Noticed Rb's T shirt? It said, "Happy Birthday To Me!" :)

Rb and Megan :)

Family portrait :)

Playing a game as organized by the Game  Master aka Pb!! :)

Adults having a chilax time :)

Prince Lucas :)

Ceiling Deco which I've done the night before till 2 am with phoebe. She's a v good help!! :)

Initially Rb wanted a superhero theme, thus I chose Captain America's colour. But last min, he changed his mind. Haha.

On the actual day, gong gong mama gave Rb this cute panda Swiss roll and we use it for our own private birthday celebration. Rb loved the cake!! :)

So happy to see their lovely faces!!! :)

Pb was so sweet to buy this Big Hero 6 notebook and tissue pack for Rb for his birthday. She's always so thoughtful and sweet :)

From the lovely yiyi, always so caring and loving towards the 2 kiddies!! :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Math Question Setter

Occasionally I'll give Rb some assessment to do just to keep him busy since he's rather free at home other than practicing his violin and playing with his toys. This evening, the tables were turned and he decided to set questions for me to do instead. He told me, "Mommy! Do your homework!" I looked at his questions, they were rather well set!! He's such a funny boy!! 

Abby Today

Just had a nice bath, clean and fluffy!! :)

Error Message in Blog!

Why can't publish using my iPhone for these few days??? I keep getting an error message! It's so annoying!! :(

Rb's 7th Birthday

We don't celebrate the children's birthday once they enter Primary school because I feel that there should be a stop in this practice because the timing is restricted and some schools may strongly discourage in case there are issues concerning food - food allergy and hygiene. Yet I want the children to have a good time with their friends because it is indeed a special day for them. Thus, I always prepare goody bags so that they can share the joy with their classmates. 

Today is Rb's 7th birthday. I've customised the goodies for his class boys - homework file and a notebook. I've also added some other boyish stuff. Hopefully the boys will be happy :) God bless these little boys :)

For 30 little boys :) actually I wanted to make for Ms Tham and Mr Goh too, but the printing lady forgot to make for the teachers :( Next time then :)

Cell / Church Activities

These are some backdated pictures taken in Quarter 4 last year, just some cell/church activities - Having a picnic in Botanic Garden with the rest of the church members, children playing with gadget apps together and a Food Trail in Chinatown :) They are beautiful memories that I would like to keep.

 Picnic in Botanic Garden

Children playing and discussing about gadget games
Food Trail in Chinatown - Group 6

Friday, March 6, 2015

Affirmation for Children and The Tired Mommy

Words could not express the excitement that my children and I shared when they received their recognition for good behaviour. I thank God for making me see the goodness in my children when I am frustrated with them in their work, their carelessness and their disobedient. God choose to use my children to teach me not to take my children for granted and to celebrate every of their success. When I feel discouraged, thinking that I've not been a very good mother, God encourage me through my children. Thank you God for your love for me. Thank you for your faithfulness and your plans for us. In You we trust!

I'm very thankful to Pb's teacher for giving her a chance to develop her leadership quality. Pb used to be a very timid and unsure girl. Her teachers are very encouraging and assuring. Giving her the space and time to grow and develop her soft skills. God is so good to us!

Besides being a model pupil, Rb is also a Thinkers' Captain, a Chinese Captain and recently appointed as an Arts Captain. He was also recognised as a Courteous Pupil. I really hope that Rb can live up to his teachers' expectation and not disappoint them. I'm very thankful to his teachers for being so nurturing.