Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sewing a Skirt for Pb

I've always dreamt of sewing little skirts for my daughter. I thought it shouldn't be that difficult and it'll save quite a bit coz an elastic skirt is a must have for a girl and I can make many many for her. So today, I did it, using an old skirt of mine, with the help of You Tube.
This was my original old skirt. Since I'm trying out for the first time, I thought I should just use an old fabric for practising.

I managed to do it! It was not difficult at all. It's late now and Pb is asleep. Will let her try it tomorrow! 😄 I'm so excited, will post a photo of her wearing it soon!! Good night!

Monday, July 18, 2016

After school indulgence

Picking them up from schools is so much fun! See what they have in their hands? SNACKS! Lil boy liked the Yakitori from Jie jie's school, so almost every Monday, he'll buy that from Pb's school. See their happy, sneaky faced? Priceless! 😍

Pb's fav : chocolate fresh milk and cheese balls! Once a week, she'll indulge in that.

Lil boy was initially upset coz he forgot to bring his water bottle home. Now he's satisfied with a bottle of mineral water and 2 Yakitori sticks!

So happy, as if he has picked up gold! 😅

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Remembering their Babyears

Pb and Rb used to have a Sesame Street baby cot fitted sheet. It was their v first baby bed. I was de-cluttering and found the bedsheet which brought back sweet memories. Couldn't bear to throw away the bedsheet so I decided to convert it into 2 cushion covers so that I can still preserve this little bit of their baby years.
The baby cot fitted sheet comes with a cot comforter which Rb fondly calls it as Elmo Blankie. He needs his Elmo Blankie before he can sleep every night 👶🏻

2 cushion covers, one for Rb and one for Pb, coz they both have slept on it when they were babies. Now they both can share that little bit of babyhood memory 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Local Writers Meet and Greet

Today my school kids were in for a special treat!! The writer of the Ellie Belly series, Eliza Teoh, came to our school to speak to the P1-2 kids! She shared about how she got her ideas in writing and the kids had a good laugh at the characters and ideas! It was a v meaningful and engaging session. 😄😄😄 Her daughter, Gabby Tye (16yo), writer of RunHideSeek Trilogy, also came to speak to our upper primary kids to inspire them to write. It is an effort to encourage our  students to read and be aware of their surroundings and to draw their writing inspiration from their daily lives. Pb and Rb were so upset that they didn't get a chance to meet their fav author! I had to pacify them by reiterating whatever Eliza had said to the students. Thank God that I was a good audience, sponging every word she had said 😄

Spontaneity strikes again!

Recently I've just made a Keroppi cushion cover. Tonight, on the spur of the moment, I've decided to see a simple tote bag from the remaining Keroppi cloth. Yup, that's my character, spontaneous. I've learnt how to sew this tote bag from YouTube videos. Not bad ya? I shall use it in school tomorrow to carry my teaching resources :) Hopefully it will not tear easily! 

Carry it at home to test my Keroppi tote bag out! :)

Quite happy with it! Completed making it within 2 hours. Just don't examine the stitches too closely :)

Geez... Realised that the handles are a little too long. However, on the hind side, longer handles allow me to get access to my things easily while carrying it. I'm just thankful that the handles are not lopsided or unequal in length! :)

Monday, July 11, 2016

SYF Youthforia 2016

We are just so glad that both of our children are in performing arts. Coming from a band background, I experienced great joy in making music together with my peers. Fast forward 28 years, I encouraged my children to walk the path of camaraderie  and I'm just so glad that they share the same dream and joy with me. Yesterday, we were so proud to watch Pb and her friends performing in Esplanade Concert Hall. Our whole kampong went to support her. I'm thankful to be able to bring gong gong and mama to watch their fav grand daughter. I could see that they have truly had a great and proud afternoon! 😄
Our whole kampong came to support Pb! :)

Gong gong and mama are so happy to witness their fav grand daughter singing :)

Rb having good bonding with his fav grands :) 

Time for us to take a couple wefie! :)

Beautiful ceiling, with balloons suspended, waiting to be released at the grand finale!

We love the cleverly organized medley! It was seamless!! 

Woohoo! PL PL PL PL!!

Look at their expressions N you'll know how engaging the performances were!! :)

Released of the balloons! Little boy is the happiest!! :)

Greedy boy grabbing so many balloons!!

Raining balloons!

Grandma and her fav grand daughter!

Grands with their fav grand kids :)

Excellent showmanship! A talented choir master! Pb is blessed to be taught by Darius Lim.

Our little star ! :)

Mommy wants to hold little girl's hand forever!

There can be miracles, when you believe!

We believe God's blessing for everyone of them is bountiful! 

Her tag going in and out of Esplanade :)

Sunday, July 10, 2016

SYF Strings Recognition

Reuben received his first SYF award today. He still have two more chances to represent his school and I hope he will still be given the chance to serve his school. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

How to make a simple tote bag

Wow! Found a tutorial on how to make a simple tote bag!! So happy!!

I really need to find time to sew!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Making a simple elastic skirt

Saw this in You tube!!

I'm going to try it! First, I need to find time :(