Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Pre-teachers' Day Shopping

Today, after picking up the 2 little ones from school, we headed down to Plaza Singapura to have a good lunch, before proceeding to Spotlight to buy our materials! 

This teachers' day, little girl is going to put what she has learnt into good use 😄 请拭目以待! 

Be patient and mark this page!

No More Tricks Up My Sleeves

This book was meant for Singaporean mommies like me, anxious and kiasu about the PSLE. Haha! It's a light-heartening story, about how a mom deals with her 2 growing children - April and Noah. I love this book because I feel that I can draw similarities to the mother's experiences, which are narrated with a punch of humor.

About 2 years back, I spotted Pb reading my book and she finished it, much to her reading pleasure.

About 2 days ago, I spotted Rb reading this book too!! He was giggling to himself, oblivious that I was watching him :)

With gladness, I lament to myself: seems like I will have book competitors in future! :)

From Dress to Skirt

Now that I'm still in my sewing craze, recently, I got more bold and decided to convert an old dress of Pb's into an elastic skirt. This dress was actually a hand-me-down from a friend's daughter but Pb refused to try it on.  Since young, Pb doesn't like to wear any tops with spaghetti straps. I'm ok with that coz I like girls to have that modesty. Again, this sewing was done in the spur of the moment, late at night, when only monotonous snores could be heard. I'm quite happy with my conversion! :)

ABRSM Grade 3 Exam

Rb's road to violin playing has come a long way. From zero knowledge in 2013 to attaining a Distinction in the recent ABRSM Grade 3 violin exam, his daily practice, papa's daily reminders and my daily scolding/ nagging have paid off. As a mommy, I feel v proud of my son. I thank God for giving him the talent in violin playing. He is able to play our National Anthem without looking at any music scores (https://youtu.be/GQHAWzTQW6o). In fact, he's able to play almost any songs just by hearing. The higher grades will be more difficult. I hope that Rb will press on and persevere in pursuing his passion! Onward Singapore, onward Rb! :)
Daily practice, about 1-1.5 hours

Lessons in the violin teachers' home

Credentials of the examiner

On 14 July, he was dressed smartly for his violin exam.

After exam, the piano accompaniment teacher said that Rb was very steady.

Is he handsome? Heehee! My Lil musician.

Papa took leave to support Rb's first exam too!

Weekly practices in NAFA studio

The examiner's remarks were awesome! So encouraging :)

First exam and aced! Thank God for His help! Glory to Him!

Monday, August 29, 2016

No Sweat for NE Show

Pb and her friends were so blessed to have her NE show in the OCBC Aquatic Centre! The place was air-conditioned! I think their batch will be the only batch that will have their NE show in there coz next year, the whole contingent will move back to the floating platform. 

There are pros and cons to having the celebration in the OCBC Aquatic Centre. Pb said they didn't get to witness the flying past of the fighter jets, no helicopter-hung state flag flying by, no parachutes, no extravagant overhead fireworks, or any other outdoor grandeur.

Nevertheless, she was happy that there was no sweat and the programme was just as spectacular! The girls were at all smiles and they love the patriotic atmosphere all around. 

Overall, five thumbs up to the organizing committee!! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Dolphin Style

Rb : I want to represent Singapore and go for the Olympics!
Me : Oh really?! JS is good in butterfly. What style are you good in?
Rb : I'm good at Free Style and Dolphin!
Me : Hahahaha! 

Simi si Dolphin style??? 😂😂😂😂

Joseph Schooling Saga

Yesterday my daughter was very happy to relate to me that they celebrated Schooling Day with ice cream treats from the school. I thought it was a very nice gesture from PL to celebrate the achievement of JS. During chapel time, they also touched on the topic of perseverance and determination, drawing examples from JS. I thought how apt it was ! It is a good and authentic lesson close to home!    

Today my son got the real "ice cream"! Haha! They had an up close and personal session with the star. The P1-2 boys met up with JS at their foyer. They were chanting his name! They were so proud of their senior! I must commend that JS has v high EQ. Throughout the whole saga, he's obliging and polite. Smiling to the camera, giving respectful answers though he was very tired! Good brought up he has! Isn't this the kind of values we all want our children to possess? 

God bless this young man and may he continue to grow up into a humble, determined and faithful child of God!

Honor God first! The Upper Primary boys anticipated this moment with much enthusiasm!

I secretly wonder how many red T-shirts he actually possesses! Hahaha :)

The security uncle must be v happy!! :)

Walking with no airs, JS is really well brought up! Credit to all who have helped to mould him: his parents, his schools and God!

P1-2 boys waiting eagerly at the foyer for their Senior!

They are just so excited and happy! Chanting "Joseph Joseph!"

Look at the way the boys looked at JS with their admirable eyes! He is their newest idol and everyone is proud of his achievements!

One of these days, these boys will all rise up into leaders and role models! The Best is Yet to Be! Amen!