Yesterday was Pb's first trip on how to take bus home by herself. She was so happy and keep telling me not to tell her the landmarks and let her find out by herself... I was so tickled seeing her juggling her extra bag, handphone, water bottle and bulky school bag all in her hands.
I asked her, "How are you going to scan your ez-link card with so many things in your hand and how are you going to hold the poles?" 😝
She just gave me a gigglish grin.
To help her assume her independence, I told her we will pretend to be strangers but I couldn't resist dropping hints like : don't put your bag on another seat, press the bell before you alight, take all your things, and the funniest thing is that, she wanted to alight at the front door when she was coming down from the upper deck 😄
Oh well! First time taking bus from school "on her own". We shall practice a few more times! 😄
The positive thing is that she's so confident and exclaimed that she wants to do it everyday! 😅 we shall see!