Saturday, January 28, 2017

CNY 2017

Here's All of us wishing all of you a Blessed Lunar New Year

Reunion dinner with the grands


Early the morning CNY eve, going to school... look at Rb's grouchy face... haha :)

CNY Day 1

First stop, Grands' place

 I wish them good health and no pain in their bodies and legs!

Stop 2, great grandma place. All the cousins :)

Stop 3, CK's third uncle's place. Rb likes this Ritzel :)

That's all for today... tiring but happy day :)

First CNY in New Home

First CNY celebration in new home... And many more happy years to come 🍊🍊



Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Teacher, a friend

Every time I use this, I think of Ms Hoe 😄 she was Pb and Rb's teacher in SKMCC and she's a v dedicated one. I'm v honoured to have her as a friend. I pray that God will continue to work in her life, her 2 darling children and also her hubby. May he be touched by God's grace and love. Thank God for letting Ms Hoe's and my path cross!

Abby's 3rd birthday

Abby's growing up into a 21 year old young lady 😄 she's still v 傻傻to us! We love her to bits! 😄

Created for His Glory

A dear colleague made this poster for me. It was really lovely and I thought that this verse is really apt for Pb, so I brought it home, intending to stick it at Pb's study table so that she will always remember that God has a plan for her. When I got home, I shows the poster to Pb and she immediately took out her 2017 school Student Diary which she has just received today. Lo and Behold! The watercolor theme is the same and it even has a matching Bible verse! Unbelievable! God never fails to amaze me! And once again, I'm assured that God has a plan for Pb and her destiny shall be fulfilled! Created for His Glory indeed!

My 心 has a Heart ❤️

Just like her Chinese name, Pb has ❤️心。She knew her bro loves the Yakitori sold in her school. One afternoon, while waiting for me at her school guardhouse, she suddenly thought of her bro. So she ran all the way back to her school canteen to buy 2 sticks of Yakitori for her bro. While running back to the guardhouse, she saw her ex-P1 buddy waiting for her parent to pick her and the poor girl was looking tired, hungry and sad. My dear girl offered one of the 2 Yakitoris to her ex-P1 buddy without hesitation, before running back to the guardhouse to wait for me. 

I'm so proud of her! She's extraordinary. She's ❤️心!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

My Pride and Joy

Yesterday, I was actually feeling pretty down because my closed posting to YZ Primary School was unsuccessful. 

My daughter sensed my sadness and comforted me with words of encouragement, to console and assure me. She said :

"Don't be sad mommy. At least you are still a teacher and you've a job. Some people in other countries have no jobs."

Rb asked me :

"How much does a McDonald's meal cost?"

I told him a fillet-o-fish meal is $5.

Then he went to his piggy bank and started counting his coins. Then he passed me $10 worth of coins and said :

"Tomorrow lunch, I want to treat you a McDonald's meal. You can buy the $10 burger." (Angus Beef burger)

I'm thankful and touched. I hope that my children will continue to be a blessing to others.

So here I am, lunch date with my son while my daughter is having her Prefects meeting to get ready to serve others during her school's P1 orientation tomorrow! 😄