Sunday, September 24, 2017

Notes of Encouragement for my Daughter

To encourage Pb to persevere in this PSLE ordeal, I've created Notes of encouragement for her. It's one card per day, all the way to PSLE. These are just some of them... the rest is for her to see 😄 TOP SECRET! 

Seeing the notes of encouragement, Rb also wanted to create one for his beloved Sister to cheer her on. I was so touched and amused to see his note AND his useful exam tips! Haha 😄

Rb's encouraging note and his useful exam
Tips! Hahaha ❤️

Teachers' Day 2017

Truly appreciate the good Teachers that God has blessed Pb and Rb with! These are just our little gestures to thank them for all their hard work! 

Rb ABRSM practical exam

Really too busy to update! Rb had his ABRSM Grade 5 practical exam on 7 Sept. Hope he'll do well! 

Presentation of P6 Love Gifts

Such lovely gesture from the school and PSSG for the P6 girls! The girls are so blessed!

Pastor Jasper praying for the girls 😄

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Celebrating Gong-gong's 76th birthday

Gong gong requested for his favourite Boon Tong Kee restaurant for dinner. We love that place too 😄 May God bless Gong-gong with good health and joy in knowing the one and only true God! 🙏🏻

T'ANG Quartet @ SOTA Concert Hall

As I accompany Pb in her PSLE preparation, papa took Rb to SOTA to watch our Singapore 🇸🇬 premier well-established  string ensemble, T'ANG Quartet. Rb said (his exact words) that it was very nice, a lot of techniques and it was very musical and (the pieces) sounded very difficult. Haha. 😄 I'm glad that he has enjoyed himself very much and he saw his classmate and school mates there too! I feel that it is a good exposure, especially to children learning any musical instruments. They learn to mimic stage presence and the playing mannerism of the professionals before learning to establish their own preforming style. So parents should take your children to such performances if possible and support our arts scene!! Thank you T'ANG Quartet for inspiring Rb (and many other children) to play better, and the lovely night of entertainment! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻