We have been attending
Seng Kang Methodist Church for the past few weeks because of the proximity and the service timing. That place is also Phoebe's nursery. Hence, Phoebe feels a sense of familiarity when she visits that church. Coincidentally, her Sunday School is conducted in her nursery classroom, Joy Room. So we always pop in into her classroom to take a look at the children's work on display to get a glimpse of what's going on in her nursery class. We saw some of the pictures drawn by the children and when I saw a particular piece of drawing, I knew immediately that that was Phoebe's drawing! It was so cute and it was exactly how she would draw when she was at home! I could identify it easily, just like how a mother seal could sniff her baby seal out from the rest.
When she was at home, I told her to draw a picture for me. She drew two. For the first picture, she explained that the small person is di-di and the big person standing beside him is Phoebe herself. It was so sweet of her. That was the first time she drew just herself with Reuben together. I thought it's worth keeping the memory, so... SNAP! Here's the picture! (^_^)b

Phoebe said that the one in the middle (in blue) is her teacher, Miss Hoe.

Children has no sense of estimation. Phoebe drew her head so big that there wasn't any space left for her body. So I simply extended the paper by sticking another piece below it for her to draw her body. The bigger person is Phoebe herself and the smaller one was Reuben di-di.