Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We Have The Same

Phoebe only learnt to use the straw cup/bottle when she was about 24 months old. Reuben is half the age faster than his sister. At thirteen months, we witnessed him drinking from his sister's new water bottle. I think he likes the soft rubbery straw. At first, we thought that he was only chewing the rubber straw, then we saw the water level rising in the straw. We were amazed :) So I got him his first personal water bottle, Bob the Builder. The same type used by Phoebe except that hers is Dora the Explorer. I love to dress them alike and give them identical things :)

We have the same bottles!


Cherish said...

Surprise Reuben never bites the straw. Ethan will bite every straw we give him ...hiaz ....

The Tired Mommy said...

he used to like to chew straws but he has overcome the habit, I think he knows got better and tastier things to chew! :) By the way, Ethan is not vegetarian anymore ? :) I read that he eats meatloaf... errrrr... what's that huh ? :)

Cherish said...

haiz...before I sent him to daycare, he was a vegetarian staying at home all the time with me. His poop was like so soft and nice ...haa...eversince we sent him to daycare, he eats whatever the daycare provides (since food is included in the fees), and his poop is like hard and kind of constipation like that ...haiz...always eat those ang mo stuff and now rejecting all my vegetables liao ...meatloaf is our chinese mincemeat make into balls in ang mo sauce ...so sometimes I cook mince meat for him without that don't know what sauce they use, and he doesn't eat ...AARrhh...

Dadaluff said...

Oh wow.. I want dat sauce, mayb then sophie will eat more! Haha...