Saturday, January 16, 2010

How To Entertain Bored Children While Shopping

Chinese New Year is coming. Inevitably, we will have to do a little new year shopping. So how do you go about entertaining some bored children while you buy your goodies? You let them play with the merchandise. Oops! I mean, you show them the different merchandise, let them select what they want to buy so that they can exercise some decision-making and then you consider buying the items (^_~)b

(Extracted from the conversation between Phoebe and Mommy...)
What ? You like those shades ? Me too. You want to buy them? How much? $5.90? Oh okie, they're not too expensive. What ? Di-di wants a pair too? That will be $11.80 for both! Hmm... I think both of you have the Barney sunglasses at home right ? The ones you got from your friend's birthday goodie bags ? I think they're good enough for the two of you...

1 comment:

xiaoci_mama said...

Yes, yes i also let them fiddle with the stuff.