Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pb's P2 Report Card

I cannot deny the fact that my initial response was disappointment and sadness that Pb did not make it into the top three classes in her school. Her school does not have THE best class but they've top 3 classes of equal strength. Pb got into the middle-band class. I was disappointed because both of us have worked hard throughout the year. However, because of the boo boo in her SA2 math, she did not achieve her usual 90+ marks and SA2 constitutes 70% of the overall marks. I found it a waste because she has been getting above 90 marks for math since term 1 to 3. /sigh/ No words could comfort my broken heart. Pb asked me (when she received her Math results), "Mommy, are you sad?" I told her as a matter of fact, "Yes Pb, mommy is sad and disappointed because we've worked hard for it. I guess this holiday, we have to try to improve in whatever you're not sure of." and Pb nodded in agreement.
Reflecting back after a few days, all these that had happened must be part of God's plan. We have prayed and entrusted God with the exam results and this was what He has given us. He knows us v well. He knows that I'm a Tiger Mom and He wants me to spare Pb from more barking and unnecessarily added stress if she is to make it into the competitive top 3 classes. He has His plan for pb and He will let it come through. As parents, I can only trust Him that His ways are higher than my ways. My beloved children are definitely in good hands.
I also feel comforted to know that given Pb's current result, she would have been banded into the second best class in my school. But the best consolation that I've received is that her form teacher, who has been with her class since P1, commented that Pb has beautiful character and learning attitude. She is also excellent in conduct. I guess on the hind side, I must always remind myself that results are not absolute. Rather, character will bring her a longer way in life. As an educator, how can I not know that??!!! I thank God for nurturing Pb into a beautiful young lady on the inside and on her outside.
Having discussed about her results with her, I've asked Pb what she thought about not being in the classes which many of her friends are going. She replied that she was sad; she was sad not because she's unable to go to the top 3 classes. She's sad coz out of her 3 good friends, only one will be with her in P3. She said she'll miss her friends. I was v elated to hear that because it goes to show that she values her friends much more than academic results. I think as far as I'm concern, PL is already successful in moulding Pb into a positive, driven, motivated and socially intelligent pupil!
With that, I think her P2 education has ended with an A* in my report card for her! :) To God be the Glory! :)


Owee said...

You are an amazing mum.
Results really doesn't mean anything. After getting through primary, secondary and tertiary education, I realised that there are just few pieces of papers. Attitude is everything in the workforce and I am sure Phoebe has the great attitude that will bring her to even further than what results can bring her.
God has His plans for all his children. His timing, His plans and His teachings are never wrong. What you need is to have faith in Him, the creator and the perfect planner for everyone.

kkf said...

yes results arent everything! :) most important is character!