Tuesday, January 19, 2016

MOE Edusave Awards

As a mother, I rejoice with my children when they received the award. It is not only a recognition for their effort in trying their best, it is more so, a pat on my back, for my heartache and numerous hours of encouraging, consoling, cajoling, nagging, shouting and teaching. Though, many a times, righteously we say that, as long as they tried their best, nothing else matters. But inwardly, as a mother, more so as a teacher-mother, I do feel discouraged and disappointed when my children are not meeting my expectations. God knows that, I'm only human. He knows my heart. He knows my tears, my brokenness, He hears me when I sigh, cry and complain to Him. He comforts me NOW and not wait till I meet Him in  heaven. He gave my children the 2 awards, He gave them what they deserves but most importantly, He answered my prayer. I thank God for His faithfulness in me, I thank God for His love for my children. I know that He has plans for both of them and they will live to fulfill His destiny. All glory unto Him! 

Papa mommy are so proud of you, our dearest Pb & Rb! :)

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