Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tiger Mom's Cub

My cub sizing her Mom up! 🐯

Actually it was me who introduced this book to her coz I know that she'll enjoy reading it. It's also my deliberate effort to make her realise how kind her Mother has been, I'm only a fraction of the real tiger Mom! Hahahaha 😝🐱


Science Project : Young Newton Award

As a mom, I am gladdened to see little boy so earnest towards his school Science project. He even googled about the plants so that he's certained that the plants are aquatic plants/ flowering plants/ non-flowering plants/ ferns etc. ❤️ He's v determined to earn the Young Newton Badge. I'm so heartened to see him so focused.


Taking pictures of the types of plants in his school Eco garden.


Plants used for cooking

More plants


This activity sheet reminds me of the Science Centre activity tasks which I had done when I was in Primary school

He drew everything by himself

Oops! I spotted a mistake!!

Coloured and wrote by himself 

I love the details!

This poem is assisted by jie jie, she gave him some ideas and choiced words

I love the classification diagram best! 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Rb calls his Sister "Teacher-Jiejie" when he encounters a problem in Onsponge. So, Teacher-Jiejie to the rescue, teaching him the topic of Working backwards with unknown. Then, she set a parallel question for him to do to reinforce the concept.


Aiyo! That's so offensive Pb! 😅

Star Wars at Gardens by the Bay

May the fourth be with you came to Gardens By The Bay and being an avid fan of Star Wars, papa decided to take Rb there. It was a simple fanfare but the Supertrees were a highlight. 

There were a few stalls selling Star Wars merchandise.

We bought a blue light sabre for Rb at Gardens by the Bay. Then he said, 

Rb: We must buy something for Jiejie or else she'll be very sad." (Coz jie jie was having Chinese class at that moment)

Me : Aww... that's so nice of you...❤️

Ok, so now, here's the damage for the "Aww"... 😂😂😂


Devotion Time

Monday to Friday are Parents Devotion Days where random parents will do Devotion with them. 

Sunday is Self Devotion Day where they've to do Devotion by themselves.

Today is Saturday, which is Brother-Sister Devotion Day where they have to do devotion with each other.

And then... they have bedtime play before they zzz... 



Plants Versus Zombie Chinese Comics Series

Finally found a Chinese storybook series that Rb likes! He understood the content and was happily sharing this particular page that he found amusing. Thank you Incredibles Mum for giving Rb the first copy! Hopefully can improve his Chinese! 🤗

He was laughing at this page... funny meh? So silly boy!

I bought a box from Tao Bao!