Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Uncle Pilot's Rabbits

I used to bunnysit rabbits for owners who, for some reasons, have to be away from Singapore for a short period of time. I charge $5 per rabbit per day. "Business" was pretty good. At one time, I had about 6 bunnies all in a room (now, Phoebe's playroom). The owners have to bring their bunnies' food, litter beddings, water bottles, cages etc . I basically just provide the care and sort of, "rent out" the space to the rabbits. I will feed the rabbits twice a day and change their litterpan every 1-2 days. It is easy because all the rabbits are litter-trained and they will poo and pee into their litterpan, which are lined with plastic bags. So all I need to do was to throw the soiled plastic bags, put in new ones and new litter beddings. Not bad money for a 5 minute job. Most of the owners have 2 rabbits and the rabbits will usually stay for at least 5 days or more. So if you do your calculation correctly, I will probably earn about $50+ each time. Heehee :)

However, when Phoebe arrived, I stopped bunnysitting completely. Well, almost. I still have one regular "customer". He is a pilot. So Phoebe calls him Uncle Pilot. I have been bunnysitting for him since 2003. He will come in about once a month, each time about 7-14 days. Actually I do it not so much for the money. I have always love rabbits. Since now that I do not have the liberty to keep rabbits, taking care of them once a while is rather fun and less demanding.

Now that Phoebe is old enough to appreciate little furry beings, she enjoys playing with Uncle Pilot's rabbits. There was once she even cried when the rabbits had to go home. Sometimes, her little friend-next-door will come over to play with the rabbits too. Seen in the pictures below, the 2 girls are trying to feed the rabbits with hay. I think it's a good chance for them to learn how to love and appreciate animals :)

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