We have been looking for "Hi-5" equivalent of Christian DVD for the children. There is not many of such DVDs in the Singapore Christian market. We finally found 1 which resembles Hi-5. It's called
Bibletoons God Rocks and it has Christian songs, dancing, cartoons and teaching of Christian values and Bible memory verses. The children love God Rocks! They are learning a lot of Bible verses in the form of catchy songs. Even Reuben can sing some of the Bible verses now. In this clip, he's singing the 9 Fruit of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patient, Kindess, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. Against such things, there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)
I think I saw some at popular the other day... not sure if its the same title but go check them out. I almost bought myself! :)
sorry, my comment was duplicated so I deleted...
Just wondering... where can I get a copy of this DVD? :)
I bought it from Integrity Warehouse. Nice to see you here Jammie!! :)
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