It was night time. The two of them were changed into their pyjamas. It was time for bed. But the two of them were not sleeping. They said they were not tired. They refused to get settled down and close their eyes. They wanted to play some more. They decided to have a conspiracy. A conspiracy on how to delay bedtime.
The lights were out.
"Get into position!" mommy called out.
"Arrrghhh!!" the children groaned.
The boy grabbed his yellow Elmo blankie and the girl parked herself in the middle of the king-sized bed. Within five minutes, everyone was still :)
The lights were out.
"Get into position!" mommy called out.
"Arrrghhh!!" the children groaned.
The boy grabbed his yellow Elmo blankie and the girl parked herself in the middle of the king-sized bed. Within five minutes, everyone was still :)
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