Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tw/oo Heavy Loads to Carry

When we only had Phoebe, we thought that carrying her was an arm-breaking task. However, when Reuben appears in our lives, our limit are stretched when the both of them demanded to be carried at the same time! I think my arms are getting toner now than 3 years ago. We'll just stop at two as we only have 2 arms.


Cherish said...

Aiyo, you and hubby have 2 pairs of arms, still can have another 2 more kids, you carry 2, and he carries 2, no problem ...kekeke

The Tired Mommy said...

haha... must take turns okie! Why don't you say I should have 6 kids since I can ask my maid to help to carry?? haha :)