Thursday, June 16, 2011

Universal Studio of Singapore

USS has been opened for almost a year but we have not been there. Why ? Because it's too expensive and also the children could not take most of the rides. However, in end of May, there was a credit card promotion and we bought our USS tickets at 15% off, which is pretty good a deal. On that morning, the weather did not look very promising but we got Phoebe to pray. We always tell her that children's prayer are always the best because God loves the little children. True enough, the dark clouds were cleared and the weather was windy though still humid. Silly of us to go on a Saturday, knowing that weekends are peak periods but we did not want to take leave because we were tight on work schedule. For some of the rides, we had to queue for an hour plus! Nevertheless, we managed to catch all the shows / performances and had an enjoyable day :) Phoebe and Reuben were afraid of some of the rides, so I think we will not go to USS again in the near future until they are slightly older :)


kkf said...

same!!! dash and violet were afraid to sit most of the rides!

The Tired Mommy said...

I guess at their age, these rides are scary! and also, they lack exposure too :)