Friday, November 6, 2009

What's Reuben Saying Now?

At 20 months, how is Reuben's verbalization of words ? :)

papa, mommy, jiejie, didi (himself), Ana (Auntie Nia), mama (grandma), gonggong (grandpa), yiyi (my sister), milk, car, nana (banana), apple, eddie (elephant), ostrich, orange, bish (fish), oosh (shoes), dog, baabaa, meow, ball, no, mum mum (eat), open, roar, two, dirty, there, lah lah (spicy), babbit (rabbit), Ah-ppo (hippo), dada (busuk senja da - poo poo), but but (butterfly), bird, woo-woo (monkey), moon, star, go, open door, eye, nose, mouth and Oh no!

43 words and still counting :)

His three popular words are papa, open and eddie. He loves to greet his papa voluntarily, which always brings about smiles and praises from his papa. Even if his papa is on the verge of falling asleep, he would sit up to entertain his favourite son :)

The two of them like to play the "Call Papa" game. What's that ? Watch this :)

1 comment:

kkf said...

hahahahaha, sooo adorable and sweet....papa, yes!