Thursday, October 14, 2010

Toilet Training Reuben

Reuben is almost toilet trained in the day time. When we're at home or out for short trips, he goes diaperless. But for longer trips, we still let him wear his diaper. He also wears the diaper before he sleeps at night. However, ever since we've let him experience being diaperless, he loves it and when he needs to wear diaper at night, he will whine, though he doesn't protest violently. So far, he only had one mishap yesterday when in school. If not, he's doing fine.

However, now we do have a problem with his bowels. He is very used to passing motion into his diaper. Now that he has no diaper on in the day time, he didn't know how to go about doing "it". As a result, he was constipated for 4 days and we took him to the doctor and 2 days ago (till now) he has not done "it" yet. We tried giving him prune juice at first but at the first sight of the dark-looking liquid, he rejected it. My mom gives him one bottle of vitagen a day to help in his intestinal digestion but it doesn't seem to help. Well, if by the end of today he still doesn't pass motion, I'll have to resort to the medical way - give him 5ml of Lactulose BP. :(

Reuben in his new underwear. We bought him a box of 'Thomas and Friends' briefs and he loves it very much. The one he's wearing in the picture is "Little Bo Dog" (not Calvin Klein. heehee). In the next picture, Reuben's 'shee shee pot' is hung in the toilet, above his 'Toy R Us' toilet seat.

This is mommy-made "shee shee pot" for Reuben. It's made of a disposable plastic bowl and I can let him pee anywhere in the house. After using it for a few days, I'll dispose it and change a new one. It's economical and hygienic.


kkf said...

My turn to toilet train violet soon! i dread the thoughts. haha. reuben looks more mature now! but he looks so serious in photos one. haha

The Tired Mommy said...

haha. He's still a baby lah... he's posing for Calvin Klein ad :)