Sunday, July 12, 2009

What's Reuben Saying Now

I had a previous entry about what Reuben could articulate. Since then, Reuben can babble even more now. However, some of the words that he used to say have suddenly disappeared from his vocabulary list. It's either a hit and run case, or that he just refuses to say those words anymore because we kept telling him to repeat. He used to say :

papa, mama (mommy), mama (grandma), milk milk, jie jie, banana, apple, dog dog, ball ball, no no, fish, bao bao (carry)

But words like papa, bao bao (carry) and banana have disappeared from his mouth. Now, his vocabulary has expanded more. I heard him saying :

two, open, ostrich, orange, mum mum (eating), shoe shoe

He learnt the word "ostrich" when we brought him to the zoo recently. His papa was carrying him and showing him the ostrich. Papa kept repeating "ostrich ostrich", I think that's how Reuben picked the word up. He learnt "two" from Hi-5 Charlie's ABC song. He also learn "open" because he wants us to open the toy box for him.

Till now, Reuben's favourite children's programme is :

Ranked according to his liking and responsiveness
1) Hi-5
3) In the Midnight Garden
4) Backyardigans
5) Elmo
6) Barney
7) Dora the Explorer

Reuben is very responsive when watching Hi-5, he will do the actions together with the characters. Sometimes, he'll chuckle when the characters do silly acts. He does understand the shows and I think his language acquisition is developing as he comprehends the speech of the characters. :)

1 comment:

kkf said...

clever reuben!