Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peter and Blue's Forest Adventure

In Singapore, I seldom come across ballet performance for children, especially one that comes with a storyline. Hence when we chance upon one by the Singapore Dance Theatre, we decided to take Phoebe to the performance on 8 May 2010, which also coincided with Mothers' Day weekend. It was called "Peter and Blue's Forest Adventure". It had a simple story line. Although I thought a few of the dancers needed a little more practising, the performance was overall very entertaining. Phoebe enjoyed the show very much. At the end of the performance, there was a Meet-and-Greet session with some of the casts, Phoebe was very shy to take a picture with them. We managed to take one shot with them :)

A mock-up stage with crew

The Meet-and-Greet session

The Synopsis:
Created by Artistic
Director Janek Schergen, Peter and Blue’s Forest Adventure is a new one-hour children ballet blending elements of a fairy-tale with a meaningful moral.

The story unveils on a sunny midsummer morning, when Peter, together with his dog, Blue, and cat, Calico, venture into the enchanted forest to search for treats to surprise his mother on her birthday.

In the woods, Peter and Blue meet the forest guardians, the Blueberry Boys, who lead them into the most secluded and magical part of the forest. On their journey, they meet many new friends - Mister and Missus Strawberry, the Apple Blossom Girls, the trouble-making trio, Thistle, Thorn, and Acorn, and the tantalizing triplets Lilac, Rose, and Snapdragon. Each generously gives Peter special treasures to add to his mother’s birthday basket. After sending Peter and Blue home, all of them happily share the joy by the window as Peter presents his mother with the forest goodies for her birthday!


kkf said...

Dash watched it with his classmates and he seems to enjoy it too!

The Tired Mommy said...

The children always enjoy performance :) Good exposure coz ballet is not just for girls! :)