Monday, May 24, 2010

Thank God for Good Health

Health is something that we should not take for granted for. Every night before I sleep, I always pray for good health for the children, that they will not catch any virus or other children illness. So far, I must give glory to God that Reuben and Phoebe's health is good, all in the mercy of God. He is faithful and just and when we ask of Him, He will not forsake us.

Everyday, I am grateful to God for his tender love upon my children and family members. Many do know that Phoebe is born with single kidney and my mom has just had a battle with the evil cancer in 2008. But God is a loving God and He hears the cries of us. Phoebe single kidney is growing well. Every time when she passes urine, or even wet the bed (when she was younger), I give thanks to God because I always take it as a sign from God that her kidney is functioning well.

My mom, though is not a believer of God yet, is also recovering well from her disease. She has had many checkups and all of them gave very good reports of her health condition. I believe that when I pray to God on her behalf, He does cover my mom with His hands. Just last week, my mom has caught the virus from the children after babysitting them. This morning when I saw her, she was well and active again though her voice was still a little nasal. I know that my prayer is again answered. All this little prayers answered give me encouragement and I feel safe that to know that I do have a strong pillar to rely on and that my God is indeed a true and living God who hears my every single prayer.

Thank you God for His faithfulness and I just have to proclaim that all glory be unto Him! I pray that God will give me and my hubby wisdom in bringing the children up into people of faith, compassion, wisdom and stature. Amen!


kkf said...

Yes, I also pray for the kids good health to buddha (my religion)...

The kids still fall sick so often. haha. sigh...

As parents, we really just hope the kids will be well and strong.

The Tired Mommy said...

Yah, though different religion, we all want our children to be good lah :) Haha.