Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pajamas Parade

I like to dress my children up during bedtime. I always get the children's PJs from Old Navy or Baby Gap from the internet. Recently, I also buy them from the FOS in Melaka. I love the cute design and the snug fitting of the Old Navy and Baby Gap PJs. Here is Reuben parading for you! :)


kkf said...

saw them in KL too, wanted to buy, but think the prices about the same as in singapore bulk purchase so i did not. is malacca cheaper?

The Tired Mommy said...

malacca is cheaper i think, about 21RM for the top and bottom, but must search thru a whole bulk for a matching pair. i also bought once in the bulk purchase, but the material is like, not as good as the ones i bought in m'sia. also I have a feeling that the ones in the bulk purchase are not genuine old navy and gap... the material is like imitation one. I bought once from bulk purchase and then I stopped. but i think it depends which supplier you bought from.