After praying for Phoebe for 3 years, since she was in nursery, God has finally answered my prayer! :) I praised God for being faithful, even when I was tempted and wanted the easy way out
(to register her in my alma mater or the primary school that I am teaching in), He reminded me that He would be faithful if I abide in Him. He told me that the wide gates are easier to pass through but it is the narrow gate that leads to life! (Matthew 7:13) If God has given me this girl, then He would create a place for her to be educated in, to learn about Him, to praise Him all the days of her life! He has indeed proven Himself true and real. For the past 2 years, PLMGS had to go through balloting for those children living beyond 2 km from the school but this year was an exception! I thank God that He has kept to His promises and I know that Phoebe's destiny is safely in His hands! Praise the Lord! :)
It's time for me to pray for my son. If God has done it once for my daughter, He would also remind faithful and see Reuben getting through the school that He wants him to get into! If I, being the parent, is not praying for my children, who else will? I must be prayerful and commit my children unto His hands each day :)
All Glory and Honour unto Him! :)
what school does reuben wants to get in?
Thinking of ACS Junior, in Winstedt Road, near my hubby's work place... haha :) Far huh... :p
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