Saturday, July 19, 2008

Different Faces, Same Girl

Phoebe grew up very quickly. I can hardly remember how she looked like when she was an infant or toddler. I can only rely on the images and marvelled at how much she has grown and how her look has changed throughout the months. I have put up photos of her from birth till now. No matter how, she'll always be my gem :)


Cherish said...

wow! Pheobe is changing so much, no wonder I always hear that babies grow fast so must take many pictures of them. I love her last row second column picture, she looks so sweet with short hair.

Cherish said...

I was looking at my niece's pictures, and realize both look quite simliar in certain angle. No wonder, Phoebe looks familiar...look like my niece, so sweet :) ......

kkf said...

har, good idea, should do something like yours so that I can see the changes of dash. :)

Pheobe is becoming prettier each day! a great beauty in future!

mahmmy_boy said...

old folks say "nu da si ba bian..." think yr ger ger already 'bian'...she looks so sweet with her smile...

The Tired Mommy said...

Thank you for your compliments. She's pretty, naughty or pretty naughty... depending on how you phrase it :)