Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Snip Snip Snip...

It was time for a hair trim again. Phoebe's fringe was getting too long, touching her eyes. We want to keep her hair long, so the hairdresser only trimmed her fringe. Reuben had a small bald patch at the back of his head due to sleeping. We wanted to shave his head bald. But Auntie Nia pleaded to preserve some of Reuben's Elvis Presley glory. So, in the end, we decided to keep the front portion of his hair.

They were very well behaved. After the cut, Phoebe was rewarded with a sweet and Reuben, a bottle of mommy's milk! Haha :)


Cherish said...

Nice cut : )

mahmmy_boy said...

your ah girl & ah boy very well-behaved during the hair cut. My joshua boy cried so loudly once at a barber...so pai seh...

The Tired Mommy said...

My girl knows that after hair cut, she'll get her reward, so she's ok :) My boy cried, coz he was hungry at that point of time... haha :)