Monday, July 7, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Phoebe is really cute. Sometimes she'll say things that really amaze us. For example, sometimes when my hubby and I raise our voices when we talk, she'll tell us, "Cannot fight. It's not good. Mommy say sorry to papa." Haha :)

Sometimes, when we talk very loudly, seemingly quarrelling, Phoebe will say, "Cannot fight. Softly softly" :)

Occasionally, we'll show our displeasure about something by saying 'stupid', e.g. during driving. Phoebe will say, "Cannot say that!"

Living in Singapore, inevitably we'll use 'lah'or 'mah'or 'leh' etc. And when Phoebe heard us using that, she'll say, "Cannot say 'lah'!" or "Cannot say 'mah'!"

Haha :) Words of wisdom coming from a lil girl :)


kkf said...

It's really amazing what children will say. :)

Dash will blurt out some interesting things at times too.

Cherish said...

Phoebe is so cute leh...Oops! Cannot say "leh" ...haaaa...

Profpig ^@^ said...

Hi Annie, Serene Neo here! How the watermelon has grown... Smart and pretty!

The Tired Mommy said...

Oi Serene!!! HI HI!! Wow ! Looong time no heard from you! How you got to know my blog??? :) So nice to hear from you again:)