Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's The Menu?

Everyday after school, I'll ask Phoebe how her school is, if she knows any of her friends, what her teacher did with her, what song she has sang etc. She always cannot give me specific answers. Sometimes she'll tell me that she did not ride bicycle that day or did not play with water. She'll tell me that she goes to the toilet by herself. Sometimes she'll help herself or sometimes her teacher, Miss Koh, will help her with her pants when she urinates. And she'll always wash her hands after visiting the toilet. She'll tell me that she did not throw the bowl/plate down (into the collection bin) but she'll put it down gently. I reckon her teacher must have educate her not to throw the plates/bowls into the bin after eating. Without fail, she'll tell me what she ate in school that day. The menu sounded pretty good. Here it is :

First day of school : Waffles
Last week's Monday : Porridge
Tuesday : Macaroni chicken soup
Wednesday : Kway Teow Soup
Thursday : Bread with butter and jam
Friday : Noodle Soup

I like the variety that the school provides. I am just wondering how much can she eat or has she actually ate because usually, I'll use a pair of scissors to cut her food into smaller pieces for easy feeding. However, in school, they do not cut the food for the children. So how much did she actually eat ? I wonder.

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