Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chubby Boy No More?

Last evening, we received a letter from Seng Kang Polyclinic informing us that we had missed Reuben's vaccination which was scheduled on last Thursday 14 Aug. Seng Kang Polyclinic had a new service whereby they would sms you to remind you of your appointment with them 3 days prior to your actual date. Previously, we did receive an sms reminder of Reuben's vaccination date so we thought that we could trust their reliability. However, apparently, their sms service failed. This taught us not take things for granted and we should be more responsible in remembering the dates.

We were unable to reschedule as the appointment slots were filled up. They advised us to walk-in instead. Without wanting to delay any day longer, this morning, I brought Reuben for his jab.

Reuben is 5 months 2 weeks old. The nurse weighed him and his weight was 7.3kg. The nurse told me that he was slightly above the 25th percentile. I was surprised because my boy appeared to be chubby to me and he has been drinking every 2-2.5 hourly. He also nurses at night. Initially, when he was 4 months old, I had started him with Heinz / Gerber baby jar food meant his age. Then we stopped because an ex-colleague told me that her paediatrician mentioned that babies who were given baby food before 6 months of age are more prone to allergies. Hence, to play it safe, we stopped.

Phoebe had never fallen in that category. At one time, she was in the 90th percentile and then, fell to 75th percentile, never below the 50th. I'm surprised that my boy, who drinks more, is lighter than his jie-jie. I'm not trying to make him into a sumo wrestler. I just thought that it would be better if babies are a little heavier so that when they fall sick, they'll have enough reserves to shed.

The nurse told me that it's alright, as long as he is sleeping well and drinking enough milk. It's not an issue to be concerned with. In 2 weeks time, Reuben will be 6 months old. I'll start him with Nestle rice cereal mixed with breastmilk. Hopefully, he will take in well and his weight will increase appropriately.

"Don't worry mommy, I'm still chubby
but I think papa is the champion. Heehee..."

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