Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Love My Biscuit

Since Reuben likes to put everything which he could grab hold on into his mouth, I decided to buy him some teething biscuit. I got him this Nestle Prebio Rusk teething biscuit in Banana flavour. It smells really good and tastes like unsweetened butter cookies. Reuben likes it very much and he can polish off half a piece each time. He can even hold it quite well, using his thumb and index finger.

Mommies with teething babies, you should give this a try and if your babies don't like it, you are always welcome to pass the remainder to me. Haha :)


mahmmy_boy said...

li nah bought that for sophie too saw that in her blog

Dadaluff said...

yah, annie told me to...haha