Sunday, August 10, 2008

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy

I love rabbits and my hubby love fish. He has been keeping fish (guppies, tetras, sucker fish, molly) since 2002 and has been very faithful to his fish. Under his care, the fish have multiplied, although some old ones had passed away. There is always a fresh supply of fish in his tank. Some of the fish were as old as Phoebe. Since young, Phoebe has noticed her papa feed fish. When she was a toddler, she would put her little hand into the baby guppies' tank. She was mischievous since young but we love to watch her cuteness revealling out of her mischief :) Now that she's old enough, her papa is able to entrust her to feed the fish. She enjoys doing it and sometimes she'll remind her papa that it is time to feed the fish. She would say,

"The fish don't have (food). So poor thing."

Haha :) That's my little girl :)


Sheryl said...

At my dad's place, there's also a fish tank. Junjun loves to watch the fish swimming in the water. He badly wants to feed the fish but we don't allow him to, then one fine day, when we were not looking, he poured the whole bottle of fish food into his dad's fried rice!

mahmmy_boy said...

my joshua boy's grandpa also got fish tank, not 1 but 3. He threw a storybook into the water & that hit a fish. Luckily did not die, but came floating upside down.

The Tired Mommy said...

wow Sheryl! Your son likes fried rice with salted fish ya ? haha :)

mahmmy boy, I think if the fish is floating upside down means it's going to kiao liao right ?

Cherish said...

Sheryl funny...I almost fell off my couch...Jordan is so cute ..haaa...

haaaa... yours even funnier son was staring at me when I laughed so loud ...haaaa....

I have two goldfish too, and sometimes they act "pretend dead" cos' we never feed them everyday ...lucky never "kong kar kiao" yet ...

mahmmy_boy said...

tired mommy, my father in law said dim die. heng har....