Monday, May 18, 2009

Computer Literacy

Usually over the weekends, if Phoebe wakes up early, she will usually go to the study room to look for her papa because she knows that he will be on the internet. Papa will allow her to surf the internet for about half an hour to 45 minutes. Phoebe loves the site Boowa and Kwala and sesame street. She will pick one of the site and engage in the activities. Phoebe is able to use the mouse well. It is small enough for her hand so that it'll not be ergonomically straining for her little fingers. She's able to click and drag and drop. I thought this is a good activity because it trains her muscle, eye, finger and hand coordination. I think computer literacy is also an important skill to require in our 21st century. Everything has got to do with IT. I've read the story 'Stellaluna' by Janell Cannon. The next time Phoebe uses the computer, I am going to show this website to her : Storyline online. Pamela Reed (the sidekick of Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Kindergarten Cop) reads the story very well. I think Phoebe will love it.


Cherish said...

yes yes hor seems like many children start using computer very young ......and I believe most household in Sin at least 1 computer/laptop ....nowadays, children are so fortunate ......

The Tired Mommy said...

But must limit usage. I think almost all the children in Singapore wear specs. That's what I'm worried in. That's why I always try to encourage outdoor activities. I read somewhere that children that are expose to more outdoors tend to have a lesser chance of wearing specs.

I suppose, that's the reason why I seldom see young malays wearing specs coz they always go to the beach, have picnic, some kampong-spirit activities. Usually, more chinese wear specs.

kkf said...

same as dash! dash can surf the net well! haha.